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  • Emmanuel Macron
    Emmanuel Macron “If the Russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a Ukrainian request [of sending ground troops to Ukraine], which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question.” 37 minutes ago
  • David Cameron
    David Cameron “We will give three billion pounds every year for as long as is necessary. We've just really emptied all we can in terms of giving equipment. The aid package was the largest from the UK so far. Some of that (equipment) is actually arriving in Ukraine today, while I'm here. Ukraine has a right to use the weapons provided by London to strike targets inside Russia, and that it was up to Kyiv whether to do so. Ukraine has that right. Just as Russia is striking inside Ukraine, you can quite understand why Ukraine feels the need to make sure it's defending itself.” 40 minutes ago
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List of all Contexts starting with letter 'Q' (16)
Qatar - Afghanistan relations
Qatar - Afghanistan relations
Qatar - Israel relations
Qatar - Israel relations
Qatar - Syria relations
Qatar - Syria relations
Qatar disappointed by the behavior of the Taliban in Afghanistan
Qatar disappointed by the behavior of the Taliban in Afghanistan
Qatar politics
Qatar politics
Qatar society
Qatar society
Qatar’s discriminatory citizenship system
Qatar’s discriminatory citizenship system
Qatar’s first legislative elections
Qatar’s first legislative elections
Qatar’s law setting out procedures and requirements for people to seek asylum in the country
Qatar’s law setting out procedures and requirements for people to seek asylum in the country
Qatari citizens electing two-thirds of the 45-seat Shura Council
Qatari citizens electing two-thirds of the 45-seat Shura Council
Qatari citizens electing two-thirds of the 45-seat Shura Council - Woman candidate point of view
Qatari citizens electing two-thirds of the 45-seat Shura Council - Woman candidate point of view
Quad - China relations
Quad - China relations
QUAD launching the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness initiative
QUAD launching the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness initiative
QUAD launching the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness initiative - Reactions in China
QUAD launching the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness initiative - Reactions in China
Quad leaders meeting and the issue of China
Quad leaders meeting and the issue of China
Questioning about the very low numbers of cases of Covid-19 in the Indonesian island of Bali
Questioning about the very low numbers of cases of Covid-19 in the Indonesian island of Bali