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  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy “Ukraine's intention is to negotiate with Russia collectively - after building consensus among Kyiv's allies and as many neutral nations as possible. Once those countries agree on an action plan to end the war, it will be communicated to the representatives of Russia at a second conference that it would be invited to attend. At the second peace summit, we can fix the real end of the war. Now, we are starting this path together.” 6 hours ago
  • Celso Amorim
    Celso Amorim “You don't negotiate with your friends. You negotiate with your adversaries. I'm not defending one side or the other, but I, for one, am very clear that nothing will come from this meeting in Switzerland. I respect the intentions, but it's obvious that nothing will happen.” 6 hours ago
  • Hakan Fidan
    Hakan Fidan “This summit could have been more result oriented if the other party to the conflict - Russia - was present in the room.” 6 hours ago
  • Olaf Scholz
    Olaf Scholz “We all know that Russia can end the war now or at any other time if it stops its offensive and withdraws its forces from Ukraine. Yet so far, Russia has refused to listen to our calls for peace based on international law and the UN Charter.” 12 hours ago
  • Kamala Harris
    Kamala Harris “Russia's actions, if left unchallenged, will encourage other aggressors and lead to the possibility of wars of conquest and chaos, rather than order and stability, threatening the entire world. nothing about ending this war is resolved without Ukraine. In contrast, Putin put forward a proposal yesterday. However, we must be frank: he is not calling for negotiations, he is calling for surrender. The United States is supporting Ukraine not out of charity but because it is in our strategic interest.” 12 hours ago
  • Mykhailo Podolyak
    Mykhailo Podolyak “He [Vladimir Putin] is offering for Ukraine to admit defeat. He is offering for Ukraine to legally give up its territories to Russia. He is offering for Ukraine to sign away its geopolitical sovereignty.” 14 hours ago
  • Daniel Woker
    Daniel Woker “What can (Zelenskiy) hope for out of it? Another small step forward in international solidarity with Ukraine.” 14 hours ago
  • Maria Zakharova
    Maria Zakharova “Putin's proposal had shown the real path to peace. If you want to save the world, discuss Vladimir Putin's proposal ... Only those who do not want peace can't see, can't understand it.” 14 hours ago
  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy “Ukraine never wanted this war. It's a criminal and absolutely unprovoked aggression by Russia.” 14 hours ago
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#von der Leyen

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive with the tag #von der Leyen linked to them.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“The primary issue that Macron and von der Leyen will probably want to push on is to help get some support from China in dealing with Russia and to help advance on that front. Realistically, I don't think we can expect much, but I think clearly everyone agrees that that's the priority.”

Associate research fellow at Sweden’s Institute for Security and Development Policy
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“With von der Leyen calling it a hybrid attack, I think that's exactly what Lukashenko was hoping for. Even though we are talking about a few refugees and migrants trying to get access to Europe, the language is all about war stemming from political panic. The moment you start referring to refugees and migrants as bargaining chips and as weapons of people being instrumentalised, it strips away their agency and dehumanises people.”

Head of the Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) monitoring group
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“I was very displeased by the humiliation that President von der Leyen had to suffer. It's that with these - let's call them what they are - dictators, of whom, however, one has need, one must be frank in expressing differences of views, opinions, behavior, of visions of society....but also ready to collaborate, more to cooperate, to cooperate to ensure the interests of one's country.”

Prime Minister of Italy
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