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  • Cheong Seong-chang
    Cheong Seong-chang “If Seoul chooses to resume anti-North broadcast via loudspeakers along the border, which Pyongyang dislikes as much as anti-Kim balloons, it could lead to limited armed conflict along border areas, such as in the West Sea.” 15 hours ago
  • Olaf Scholz
    Olaf Scholz “And because the threat from Russia will continue, we and other allies decided last year to deploy additional units to the Baltic states and to station an entire brigade there permanently in future. But this turnaround in security policy is necessary to show Russia: We are prepared to defend every square inch of NATO territory against attacks.” 21 hours ago
  • Dong Jun
    Dong Jun “We have always been open to exchanges and cooperation [with the US], but this requires both sides to meet each other halfway. We believe that we need more exchanges precisely because there are differences between our two militaries.” 21 hours ago
  • Yoav Gallant
    Yoav Gallant “While we conduct our important military actions, the defence establishment is simultaneously assessing a governing alternative to Hamas. We will isolate areas (in Gaza), remove Hamas operatives from these areas and introduce forces that will enable an alternative government to form - an alternative that threatens Hamas. We will not accept the rule of Hamas in Gaza at any stage in any process aimed at ending the war.” 21 hours ago
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#prime minister

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive with the tag #prime minister linked to them.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“It is very clear that the recent events were well planned and orchestrated to remove me as the prime minister for unsubstantiated reasons. I want to show the nation that the government is fully intent and nothing will move us. We must and will never bow down to the evil intention of a few people. We must stand up to intimidation, bullying and violence. We owe this to our children and the majority of our people who cannot defend themselves.”

Prime Minister of Solomon Islands
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“Protests could now be held against both the military and Hamdok following the deal. The deal was a major compromise on the part of the prime minister as it essentially validates what has been called bad behaviour by this coup. Protesters have every right to be concerned about what message this sends to the country and to the prospects of the democratic transition.”

Former chief of staff for the US special envoy to Sudan
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“I take responsibility for these developments. I resign from the post of prime minister and party president. I have brought freedom and democracy, and democracy means taking responsibility.”

Prime Minister of North Macedonia
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“The military has dishonoured its agreement with the civilian government by detaining the prime minister and several cabinet ministers. The Sudanese people don't know if they are safe or not.”

Sudanese activist for women’s rights in the Horn of Africa
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“I, Abiy Ahmed Ali, today in the House of People's Representatives, accept the appointment as prime minister, as I pledge to undertake responsibly and with faith to the constitution the responsibility placed upon me by the people.”

Prime Minister of Ethiopia
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“Even if this election hadn't happened, he's been prime minister for six years - and there's only so long you can be in power before voter fatigue sets in. If he's willing to work with Singh, he can be prime minister who delivers a national childcare program, and be the one who delivers a real plan in place on climate change - something that has the support of multiple parties. If he wants it, there's a real opportunity here for Trudeau. It's a chance for him to cement a legacy.”

Professor of political science at Dalhousie University
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