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  • Omar Baddar
    Omar Baddar “This is a proposal that was effectively present from day one. Since October to this day, this is effectively the deal that was on the table, and it was Israeli rejectionism that kept us from achieving that deal where there's an end in the war in exchange for hostages and prisoners. President Biden understands having this war drag well past his election is not going to be something that actually works for him politically. … I think that this is why he's putting his foot down at this point and placing enormous pressure upon Israel to accept the ceasefire deal. He's presenting it as an Israeli offer, interestingly enough, but I think that's more of a means to try to put Netanyahu in a spot where it becomes more difficult for him to say no to this. Because we know that this is the deal Netanyahu has already said no to.” 14 hours ago
  • Joe Biden
    Joe Biden “I know there are those in Israel who will not agree with this plan. And will call for the war to continue indefinitely. Some are even in the government coalition. They've made it clear. They want to occupy Gaza. They want to keep fighting for years and hostages are not a priority for them. Well, I've urged leadership in Israel to stand behind this deal, despite whatever pressure comes. As someone who's had a lifelong commitment to Israel, as the only American president who has ever gone to Israel at a time of war, as someone who just sent the U.S. forces to directly defend Israel when it was attacked by Iran, I ask you to take a step back, think what will happen if this moment is lost. We can't lose this moment.” 16 hours ago
  • Romana Vlahutin
    Romana Vlahutin “Anaklia is the crown jewel of the Middle Corridor. If you have China building such a key point, then you are giving them the capacity and opportunity to control a very important route for trade between Europe and Asia.” 19 hours ago
  • Tinatin Khidasheli
    Tinatin Khidasheli “The decision to make this announcement [Chinese consortium building a strategic port in Anaklia on Georgia's Black Sea coast] the day after the 'foreign agent' vote doesn't look to be an accident. It's been an open secret that the government has wanted to award this to the Chinese, but this choice of companies is very concerning, and the timing sends something of a message.” 19 hours ago
  • Antony Blinken
    Antony Blinken “Our purpose now is to put in place the bridge to bring Ukraine closer to and then ultimately into NATO. As I said, it's a bridge that I think you'll see emerge at the summit.” 19 hours ago
  • Dave Des Roches
    Dave Des Roches “There's another dynamic here. The Ukrainians with their own weapons have been attacking Russia's nuclear infrastructure. They just damaged the Krasnodar early warning radar with a domestically produced drone; that's very far within Russia. Early on this year, they attacked the strategic [Engels] bombing base … Paradoxically, allowing Ukraine to strike within Russia within this limited tactical operation - the price for that is the cessation of Ukrainian strikes on the strategic capabilities of Russia.” 21 hours ago
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Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive with the tag #India linked to them.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“With the world's other emerging superpower [China] becoming more belligerent almost by the day, it's in everyone's interests that India take its rightful place among the nations as quickly as possible. Because trade deals are about politics as much as economics, a swift deal between India and Australia would be an important sign of the democratic world's tilt away from China, as well as boosting the long-term prosperity of both our countries.”

Former Australian prime minister and adviser to the British government's Board of Trade
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“Japan's more than 500-page white paper is another reminder of the grim strategic reality of the region. It highlights, yet again, that if major stakeholders in the Indo-Pacific region are interested in making the area robust and stronger, they have to work in tandem. This is crucial when the US-China rivalry is only becoming more bitter and intense, with Beijing showing no sign of willingness to improve ties with regional stakeholders. The failed US-China talks in Alaska in March and in Tianjin last month clearly demonstrate that. They also signal that major Asian powers, such as Japan and India, have to devise their own policies and play a more proactive role in the region.”

Senior lecturer at the University of Malaya’s Asia-Europe Institute in Kuala Lumpur
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“The US will inevitably increase efforts to align India, and in return, India will seize the opportunity to use the US to realize its own interests. But considering their pragmatic position and different national interests, the two countries will not establish alliance in the short term, and cannot even reach a degree of quasi-alliance.”

Assistant research fellow with the National Institute of International Strategy at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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“In the earlier days of COVID, India was there for the United States - something we will never forget. And now we want to make sure that we're there for India as well. We're united in confronting COVID-19 together. We're united in dealing with the challenge posed by climate change, and we are partnered together directly through the Quad (a group that includes the United States, India, Japan and Australia), other institutions in the United Nations, in dealing with many of the challenges we face in the region and around the world.”

U.S. Secretary of State
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“The current discussions are very serious. In the EU, the parliament has adopted a global connectivity strategy and connectivity financing has been included in the programming of the [Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument], the EU's global financing instrument. President Biden has highlighted the issue. India, Japan, Australia, ASEAN, and other partners are highly interested in moving the connectivity agenda forward. China has been exploiting the needs of developing countries, but lamenting about that fact without offering an alternative is useless. You cannot fight something with nothing. The difference between Western connectivity strategy and China's BRI [Belt and Road Initiative] will be threefold: We will insist on high-quality and high-standard projects; we will avoid debt traps; we will mobilize private-sector involvement to strengthen our initiatives.”

German politician and the chair of the European Parliament’s delegation for relations with China
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“This is an outrageous response. Australians have a right of return to their own country. The government should be looking for ways to safely quarantine Australians returning from India, instead of focusing their efforts on prison sentences and harsh punishments.”

Human Rights Watch’s Australia Director
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“The government does not make these decisions lightly. However, it is critical the integrity of the Australian public health and quarantine systems is protected and the number of COVID-19 cases in quarantine facilities is reduced to a manageable level.”

Minister for Health of Australia
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“If India is willing to revisit some of the decisions that they took on August 5, 2019 [India revoking Indian-administered Kashmir's special constitutional status], Pakistan will be more than happy to engage, sit and talk out our differences and sit and, through a dialogue, resolve the outstanding issues.”

Pakistan Foreign Minister
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“I want to express our solidarity with the people of India as they battle a dangerous wave of COVID-19. Our prayers for a speedy recovery go to all those suffering from the pandemic in our neighbourhood & the world. We must fight this global challenge confronting humanity together.”

Prime Minister of Pakistan
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“If you look at those countries that are receiving the Chinese vaccines, whether it's Brazil or Chile or El Salvador, I think it's having lots of impact on our diplomatic allies. In Paraguay, the Chinese government was very active in saying to the public that if Paraguay severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan they would get millions of doses of China's vaccines, which put pressure on Taiwan to help. In the last few weeks, we have been speaking to like-minded countries, including Japan, the United States, India etcetera, and India fortunately has been able to provide some COVAXIN vaccines to Paraguay. The most important trend is the Indian government who is willing to help, and the United States who has decided they want to help, and I think this is going to relieve a lot of pressure for a lot of countries.”

Taiwan’s foreign minister
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“The fact that the quad meeting now is going to be at the leader level is certainly an illustration of the seriousness with which, and the importance that, all four partners give to this partnership.”

East Asia analyst at Temple University in Tokyo
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“Today several Caribbean countries, including Antigua and Barbuda, received 175,000 AstraZeneca vaccines from India. Of the 175,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines, 40,000 were donated to the people of Antigua and Barbuda. For this, we are extremely grateful. PM Narendra Modi has demonstrated perhaps the most significant act of benevolence, kindness and empathy that was seen in recent times compared to any act of any other leader globally.”

Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda
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“If India demonstrates sincerity in seeking a just solution to the Kashmir issue, in accordance with UNSC resolutions, we are ready to take two steps forward for peace. But let no one mistake our desire for stability & peace as a sign of weakness.”

Prime Minister of Pakistan
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“This is fake news [the clash between Chinese and Indian troops]. Based on what I learned, there is no record of this clash in the patrol log of the Chinese side. Small frictions often occur on China-India border area, but a clash that caused multiple injuries will definitely be recorded and reported.”

Editor-in-chief of the hawkish mainland Chinese state-run tabloid Global Times
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“I would like to stress though that China’s border troops are committed to upholding peace and tranquillity along the border with India. We urge the Indian side to work in the same direction as us and refrain from actions that might escalate or complicate the situation along the border. We hope both sides will take proper actions to manage their differences and take concrete actions to safeguard peace and stability along the border.”

Spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry
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“I think we are at one minute to midnight as far as a conflict with Turkey is concerned. France sees that if Turkey wins influence over Greece and Cyprus, then Turkey will become the major power in the East Mediterranean, pushing Egypt and Israel to the sidelines and forcing them into an alliance. If it succeeds, the East Mediterranean will become a Turkish lake. Israel’s new relationship with Arab nations… permits the creation of a bridge of countries starting in France, passing through Greece and Cyprus, going to Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and reaching India. A barrier against the dangerous network Turkey is trying to create with Pakistan and Turkic nations.”

Professor of geopolitics and weapons systems at the Hellenic Army Academy
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“I have learned through our intelligence sources and they have picked up this information that India is planning a surgical strike against Pakistan. This is a serious development and I also have knowledge that they have tried to seek tacit approval from important players who they consider to be their partners. I want to tell India very clearly that Pakistan is fully prepared to respond and to defeat their designs. We will do it effectively as we did respond immediately and effectively in February 2019. And we will respond effectively if they choose this path.”

Pakistan Foreign Minister
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“The situation is concerning and we’re all very worried about families and friends. Canada will also be there to defend the rights of peaceful protests. We believe in the importance of dialogue and that’s why we’ve reached out through multiple means directly to the Indian authorities to highlight our concerns.”

Prime Minister of Canada
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“There is just not enough shared strategic interest or shared desire to accept risk on the military front. The way that the four different Quad members view their interests in the Indo-Pacific leads them to prioritise different areas. For instance, for the US, South China Sea and East China Sea are vital. Same goes for Japan. And for Australia, it also includes the Western Pacific. But for India, the Quad is about the Indian Ocean and South China Sea is a secondary theatre. So, while India may be willing to help with capacity-building, it’s not going to actually take risks that might involve violence or escalation in the South China Sea. It’s one thing for India to have a tense, antagonistic relationship with Beijing. It’s another for India to be part of an explicit coalition that seeks to contain Beijing. That would feel far too much like being part of a bloc. And India historically has resisted that.”

Director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative at the US-based Center for Strategic and International Studies
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