• Alexey Maslov
    Alexey Maslov “We value the stability of Russia-China relations. The one word I can use to describe our relationship is 'trust.' That's very important because if you look at the cooperation with the Western countries, we don't have, and we have never had, mutual trust. But with China, we have a mutual trust. Our cooperation during the last two years developed very fast. The two countries could deepen cooperation in finance and banking, as well as in sci-tech and investment.” 16 hours ago
  • Cui Heng
    Cui Heng “The world will pay attention to the meeting between the top leaders of the two countries to see how China-Russia relations can be promoted to a new height, as strategic ties between the two major powers will greatly affect the international arena.” 16 hours ago
  • Dmitry Peskov
    Dmitry Peskov “We see an unveiled intervention in the internal affairs of Georgia from the outside. This is an internal matter of Georgia. We do not want to interfere there in any way.” 16 hours ago
  • Charles Michel
    Charles Michel “If they want to join the EU, they have to respect the fundamental principles of the rule of law and the democratic principles.” 16 hours ago
  • Antony Blinken
    Antony Blinken “Under our own ten-year agreement, the United States will support the defence and security across a range of essential capabilities - from its air force to its air defence, from drones to demining. If Russia or anyone else were to attack Ukraine, we will work with Ukraine immediately at the highest levels to coordinate how to help you beat back the threat.” 20 hours ago
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#eastern Libya

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive with the tag #eastern Libya linked to them.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“What we need to understand is that in Libya, through a previous power-sharing agreement, there are two legislative houses. There's the parliament based in eastern Libya, and there's the high council of state in the west. The two legislative bodies are supposed to agree on a new government to replace the unity government of Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dbeibeh. But the appointment of Bashagha [Fathi Bashagha] raised eyebrows regarding the transparency of the process. There was a lot of scepticism with regards to how transparent the vote was and how legitimate it was. Even the UN support mission voiced concerns that the vote of confidence in Bashagha was flawed. A lot of people see Bashagha as a traitor, who aligned himself with someone who has destroyed their homes and displaced hundreds of thousands of people. I've been talking to security officials and residents in Tripoli and what they're telling me is really that this was a message to those that are supporting Bashagha: You can't just come to Tripoli and assume power.”

Al Jazeera's correspondent reporting from Tripoli
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“They definitely seem [to be] moving forward a plan to get the elections to happen as scheduled. But there are other questions that remain unanswered, such as the legislative bodies - one of which is based in eastern Libya, and the other in western Libya. They're supposed to agree on a constitutional framework for these elections to happen, that includes who can run for president, what kind of powers does a president have.”

Al Jazeera's correspondent
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