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  • Omar Baddar
    Omar Baddar “This is a proposal that was effectively present from day one. Since October to this day, this is effectively the deal that was on the table, and it was Israeli rejectionism that kept us from achieving that deal where there's an end in the war in exchange for hostages and prisoners. President Biden understands having this war drag well past his election is not going to be something that actually works for him politically. … I think that this is why he's putting his foot down at this point and placing enormous pressure upon Israel to accept the ceasefire deal. He's presenting it as an Israeli offer, interestingly enough, but I think that's more of a means to try to put Netanyahu in a spot where it becomes more difficult for him to say no to this. Because we know that this is the deal Netanyahu has already said no to.” 15 hours ago
  • Joe Biden
    Joe Biden “I know there are those in Israel who will not agree with this plan. And will call for the war to continue indefinitely. Some are even in the government coalition. They've made it clear. They want to occupy Gaza. They want to keep fighting for years and hostages are not a priority for them. Well, I've urged leadership in Israel to stand behind this deal, despite whatever pressure comes. As someone who's had a lifelong commitment to Israel, as the only American president who has ever gone to Israel at a time of war, as someone who just sent the U.S. forces to directly defend Israel when it was attacked by Iran, I ask you to take a step back, think what will happen if this moment is lost. We can't lose this moment.” 17 hours ago
  • Romana Vlahutin
    Romana Vlahutin “Anaklia is the crown jewel of the Middle Corridor. If you have China building such a key point, then you are giving them the capacity and opportunity to control a very important route for trade between Europe and Asia.” 20 hours ago
  • Tinatin Khidasheli
    Tinatin Khidasheli “The decision to make this announcement [Chinese consortium building a strategic port in Anaklia on Georgia's Black Sea coast] the day after the 'foreign agent' vote doesn't look to be an accident. It's been an open secret that the government has wanted to award this to the Chinese, but this choice of companies is very concerning, and the timing sends something of a message.” 20 hours ago
  • Antony Blinken
    Antony Blinken “Our purpose now is to put in place the bridge to bring Ukraine closer to and then ultimately into NATO. As I said, it's a bridge that I think you'll see emerge at the summit.” 20 hours ago
  • Dave Des Roches
    Dave Des Roches “There's another dynamic here. The Ukrainians with their own weapons have been attacking Russia's nuclear infrastructure. They just damaged the Krasnodar early warning radar with a domestically produced drone; that's very far within Russia. Early on this year, they attacked the strategic [Engels] bombing base … Paradoxically, allowing Ukraine to strike within Russia within this limited tactical operation - the price for that is the cessation of Ukrainian strikes on the strategic capabilities of Russia.” 22 hours ago
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#British Columbia

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive with the tag #British Columbia linked to them.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“In the last six months, B.C. has both burned and drowned. So there's really no greater evidence of climate change right now than here in British Columbia.”

Executive director of Clean Energy Canada, a climate program at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver
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“I know that there remains a great deal of uncertainty and anxiety during this very challenging time. But I want to assure all Canadians, and in particular to the people of British Columbia, that we will be there to provide support, relief, and we will work collaboratively with all levels of government to ensure that they receive the support and the essential services that they require.”

Canada’s minister of emergency preparedness
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“BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec have not had interprovincial travel restrictions that required travellers from other provinces to self-isolate upon arrival [restrictions were in place in the Atlantic provinces of Canada]. They have had 'advisories' and 'recommendations' against non-essential travel, but without enforcing an isolation, most people have been able to move fairly freely into and out of these provinces.”

Research assistant with Oxford’s COVID-19 Government Response Tracker and the lead on subnational Canadian data collection
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“After many months of restrictions, we all needed to reconnect with our family, our friends this summer. We travelled, we enjoyed our summer, and we recharged. Now we must slow down our social interactions for the respiratory [illness] season ahead. As the cooler weather arrives, we all have to be ready. We have seen the challenges that this virus has, and now is our time to prepare. As we step into our offices, our workplaces, our schools, we need to take a step back from some of the social interactions that we've had this summer. Being ready means all of us going back to the basics.”

Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia
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