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  • Vladimir Putin
    Vladimir Putin “We have said many times that whoever is quicker to master the newest means of armed combat wins. We have to be one step ahead. We have everything we need for this, and much has been done, but we need to double and triple our efforts in this area.” 4 hours ago
  • Alena Kudzko
    Alena Kudzko “That is definitely not something that anybody in Slovakia expected. The country has been polarised over the past year amid heightened political tension, especially in the run-up to the elections. But nobody … called for violence in the country. Quite the opposite, everybody right now is trying to unite and send a coherent message, that political violence is not something that we support.” 4 hours ago
  • Alexey Maslov
    Alexey Maslov “We value the stability of Russia-China relations. The one word I can use to describe our relationship is 'trust.' That's very important because if you look at the cooperation with the Western countries, we don't have, and we have never had, mutual trust. But with China, we have a mutual trust. Our cooperation during the last two years developed very fast. The two countries could deepen cooperation in finance and banking, as well as in sci-tech and investment.” 21 hours ago
  • Cui Heng
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  • Dmitry Peskov
    Dmitry Peskov “We see an unveiled intervention in the internal affairs of Georgia from the outside. This is an internal matter of Georgia. We do not want to interfere there in any way.” 21 hours ago
  • Charles Michel
    Charles Michel “If they want to join the EU, they have to respect the fundamental principles of the rule of law and the democratic principles.” 21 hours ago
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“It is shocking to see a suspension of funds to the Agency in reaction to allegations against a small group of staff, especially given the immediate action that UNRWA took by terminating their contracts and asking for a transparent independent investigation. The United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), the highest investigative authority in the UN system, has already been seized of this very serious matter.  UNRWA is the primary humanitarian agency in Gaza, with over 2 million people depending on it for their sheer survival.   Many are hungry as the clock is ticking towards a looming famine. The Agency runs shelters for over 1 million people and provides food and primary healthcare even at the height of the hostilities. It would be immensely irresponsible to sanction an Agency and an entire community it serves because of allegations of criminal acts against some individuals, especially at a time of war, displacement and political crises in the region.  UNRWA shares the list of all its staff with host countries every year, including Israel. The Agency never received any concerns on specific staff members. Meanwhile, an investigation by OIOS into the heinous allegations will establish the facts. Moreover, as I announced on 17 January, an independent review by external experts will help UNRWA strengthen its framework for the strict adherence of all staff to the humanitarian principles.  I urge countries who have suspended their funding to re-consider their decisions before UNRWA is forced to suspend its humanitarian response. The lives of people in Gaza depend on this support and so does regional stability.”

by: Philippe Lazzarini
