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  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy “I spoke with the commander-in-chief today about the situation in general. A very significant result is that Russian forces have failed to conduct their Kharkiv operation. We are now holding them back as much as possible and crushing the Russian units entering our land and terrorising Kharkiv Oblast. The [Kharkiv] front has been reinforced. And it will be further strengthened. There was a report on Donetsk [Oblast] fronts, where [the situation] is the most challenging.” 16 hours ago
  • Samuel Johann
    Samuel Johann “It's a nightmare at Al-Aqsa. There have been back-to-back mass casualties as densely populated areas are bombed. It's way beyond what anyone could deal with in a functional hospital, let alone with the scarce resources we have here. How many more men, women and children have to be killed before world leaders decide to put an end to this massacre?” 17 hours ago
  • Benjamin Netanyahu
    Benjamin Netanyahu “They said that this operation will be [under] very complicated and dangerous circumstances. I knew that, but without hesitation, I decided to do this operation because they were Israeli captives, and I trusted the heroes in Yamam and Shabak [special police commandos and internal security] who attacked and freed the captives. Now the captives are with us. The captives are the gold and the diamond we are keen to return back. It is an operation that will be written in history, yes we know that we have to pay the price but I also know the heroes will be always mentioned in the book and the history of Israel.” 21 hours ago
  • Emmanuel Macron
    Emmanuel Macron “France wants to achieve an immediate ceasefire and open up the prospect of a political solution to the conflict. [It's] the only one that can bring about a fair and lasting peace and meet the security concerns of both people, that is why we are supporting the comprehensive proposal of the United States of America. After nine months of conflict, the situation in Rafah and the human consequences are unacceptable. It is not acceptable that Israel should not open all checkpoints to humanitarian aid as requested by the international community for months.” 21 hours ago
  • Majed Bamya
    Majed Bamya “Scores of civilians and many children were killed today in the Israeli operation and they may not be mentioned or will be a footnote in today's news at best. As you smile seeing a father finally embracing his daughter in Tel Aviv, shed a tear for the father having to bury his daughter in Gaza. There is a way for Palestinian and Israeli families to be reunited in life not in death. That is the success we should all be striving for. After eight months of massacres, Israel will use today's images to try and justify the killing of 36,000 Palestinians and the destruction of the lives of 2.3 million Palestinians. Don't let it.” 22 hours ago
  • Benjamin Netanyahu
    Benjamin Netanyahu “We are committed to do so in the future as well. We will not let up until we complete the mission and return home all the hostages - both those alive and dead.” 22 hours ago
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Jun, 2024

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“Firstly, they [the unvaccinated] pose a direct risk of transmission, and while the vaccine is very effective at protecting you from serious illness and death - it's not 100 per cent. Nothing in life is 100 per cent. The second thing that unvaccinated people do is they increase the spread of coronavirus in the population. So if you release restrictions, unvaccinated people contribute substantially more to the growth of transmission in the community.”

by: Allison McGeer
