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  • Cheong Seong-chang
    Cheong Seong-chang “If Seoul chooses to resume anti-North broadcast via loudspeakers along the border, which Pyongyang dislikes as much as anti-Kim balloons, it could lead to limited armed conflict along border areas, such as in the West Sea.” 13 hours ago
  • Olaf Scholz
    Olaf Scholz “And because the threat from Russia will continue, we and other allies decided last year to deploy additional units to the Baltic states and to station an entire brigade there permanently in future. But this turnaround in security policy is necessary to show Russia: We are prepared to defend every square inch of NATO territory against attacks.” 19 hours ago
  • Dong Jun
    Dong Jun “We have always been open to exchanges and cooperation [with the US], but this requires both sides to meet each other halfway. We believe that we need more exchanges precisely because there are differences between our two militaries.” 19 hours ago
  • Yoav Gallant
    Yoav Gallant “While we conduct our important military actions, the defence establishment is simultaneously assessing a governing alternative to Hamas. We will isolate areas (in Gaza), remove Hamas operatives from these areas and introduce forces that will enable an alternative government to form - an alternative that threatens Hamas. We will not accept the rule of Hamas in Gaza at any stage in any process aimed at ending the war.” 20 hours ago
  • John Kirby
    John Kirby “This was an Israeli proposal. We have every expectation that if Hamas agrees to the proposal - as was transmitted to them, an Israeli proposal - then Israel would say yes.” 22 hours ago
  • Dong Jun
    Dong Jun “Those separatists recently made fanatical statements that show their betrayal of the Chinese nation and their ancestors. They will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history. The Chinese People's Liberation Army has always been an indestructible and powerful force in defence of the unification of the motherland, and it will act resolutely and forcefully at all times to curb the independence of Taiwan and to ensure that it never succeeds in its attempts. Whoever dares to split Taiwan from China will be crushed to pieces and suffer his own destruction.” 22 hours ago
  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy “The United States has confirmed its attendance at a high level. We have a chance that the President [US President Joe Biden] will be there. As for China, they have not confirmed their attendance at any level. And the United States has contacts with some states and encourages them to attend the Peace Summit. China, unfortunately, on the contrary, is working to prevent countries from coming to the Peace Summit. There is a big difference between these two stances.” 22 hours ago
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Turkey - Russia relations

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Turkey - Russia relations.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“He [Erdogan] would ask Putin to give a chance to a ceasefire, stop his attacks, and help set up corridors needed for evacuations of civilians and shipments of aid. We are focusing on what steps we can take here to bring the sides to the negotiating table and to convince the Russian side (to stop). It is important that Moscow had a reliable counterpart to talk to as the West had burned bridges with it. This network of trust (with Russia) must absolutely be kept open for these talks, diplomacy to succeed. Otherwise it will be impossible for the whole region, including Russia and Ukraine, to escape from this destruction.”

Turkish Presidential Spokesman
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“Both countries [the US and Russia] have said these terrorists will be taken 30km down [from the border] … promises have not been kept … both the US and Russia have responsibility for the recent attacks, because they did not keep their promises, and these terrorists are still there. We need to sort this out ourselves. We will cleanse this region of terrorists, we will do whatever is necessary for our security.”

Turkish Foreign Minister
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“Turkey sees Russia as a resource it can use to strengthen its strategic sovereignty, while Russia sees Turkey as a tool for increasing its own authority as a great power.”

Expert at Russian International Affairs Council
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“At the individual level of analysis, President Erdogan perceives a threat from the US thinking that it is intentionally undermining him with the ultimate goal of removing him from power. This frustration and threat perception leads President Erdogan to seek a counterbalancing alliance with Russia against the US. However, it also puts Turkey in an extremely weak position towards Russia with which it has more competing interests than common ground.”

Director of the German Marshall Fund of the United States’ office in Ankara
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“Now with these positive signals [from Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian], we will take some steps in this regard. I hope we will have the opportunity to move the region toward peace. In my meeting with Mr. Putin, these will of course be discussed. In this way, I hope we will enter a much stronger and new period in Turkey-Russia relations.”

Turkish President
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“When the Rafale [fighter jet] enter service in a few months, Turkey will have a serious problem in the balance of power vis-a-vis Greece. And if the Americans embargo spare parts for their existing F-16s, then the problem will become extremely serious, at least for the medium term. If it [Turkey] buys Sukhoi it will be a much more decisive step away from the Western architecture than the S-400 purchase … We are at the start of a Cold War. Turkey's move may be an irreversible rift with the West.”

Professor of geopolitics and weapons systems at the Hellenic Army Academy
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“This is Russia’s backyard, and the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan continues within the parameters drawn by Russia. Turkey sees this [latest clash] as a message from Russia, but knows it is extremely risky to confront Russia here, even through proxies. Although Turkey has shown steadfast support for Azerbaijan, it has never considered a direct intervention.”

Turkey director of the German Marshall Fund
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