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  • Colin Clarke
    Colin Clarke “There is something to critics who have called the US a bit apocryphal in the way they're supporting Ukraine but also continuing unfettered support to Israel when there are real questions about the [Israeli army's] conduct in Gaza. There's a lot of soul-searching going on within the Biden administration. That's going to be another important factor come November - Biden's Gaza policy and what happens next with this attempt to bring a ceasefire to Gaza and figure out a post-conflict scenario.” 1 hour ago
  • Luis Arce
    Luis Arce “Nowadays, the world order is switching to a fairer and more balanced state, based on multipolarity and multilateralism. The economies of the BRICS bloc have been able to smash the hegemony of the United States, and they are the hope for the development of cooperation and complementarity among the countries.” 4 hours ago
  • John Kirby
    John Kirby “The Russians really have kind of stalled out up there, basically. Their advance on Kharkiv is all but over because they ran into the first line of defenses of the Ukrainian armed forces and basically stopped, if not pulled back some units.” 5 hours ago
  • Emmanuel Macron
    Emmanuel Macron “We will use the days to come to finalize the largest possible coalition to implement Ukraine's demand.” 5 hours ago
  • Hani Mahmoud
    Hani Mahmoud “The problem at the hospital [Al-Aqsa Hospital] here is represented by something above emergency. There are exhausted medical staff inside the hospital - for the past eight months, non-stop work, as well as the huge influx of injuries coming to the hospital. We have two other factors, important factors that are affecting the work of the hospital. One of which is the lack of fuel to keep it sustainable. The hospital is resorting to its solar panel systems on the rooftop, but this is not sufficient enough to run the operating rooms, to run the ICU or incubators for babies. It's only sufficient to keep on the lighting. The other important factor that is crippling the hospital's ability to intervene properly is the acute shortage of medical supplies. We're talking about almost a month now of no medical supplies.” 8 hours ago
  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy “We live in times when Europe again stopped being a continent of peace. We live in times when Nazism is returning again, unfortunately. Now in Europe again cities are being destroyed and villages are being burned to ashes. In Europe again we have filtration camps, deportations, and hatred that became a new cult in Russia.” 9 hours ago
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Covid-19 - The new variant Omicron - Reaction in Africa

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Covid-19 - The new variant Omicron - Reaction in Africa.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“We are very concerned but are not worried that the situation cannot be managed. There is no need to panic. We are not defenceless. This will be the fourth wave that we are facing as a continent. We know how to deploy rapid responders, we know how to provide the interventions that are necessary.”

Director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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